This summer, our staff has continued working hard to ensure our students receive the very best possible education and formation!
Starting with two full days of professional development, 22 of our staff volunteered to work with Top 20 Training. Top 20 provided two very, very full days of training on social and emotional development. Our teachers were invested and excited to start their summer with such great insights and reflection.
Staff committees have met in the summer as well to discern how to best serve our students who are learning English as a new language as well as how to improve our classroom behavioral managment, an ever-evolving challenge for teachers.
Art teacher, April Woolsey even gave an entire week of her summer to paint the new logo on our gym wall for us.
We will start fall workshops on August 16, and we will examine curriculum alignment with Xavier Catholic Schools and will also work with North Shore Consulting on differentiation and enrichment in our curriculum and instruction.
Our staff is a blessing to our students! Please pray they also get sufficient rest and rejeuvenation this summer, as we know that come August, they will be giving 100% every day!