The LaSalle Catholic School Board is comprised of two representatives from each of our four supporting parishes. Those serving on the Board for the 2021-2022 academic year are:
Ted Francois, Chair — St. Patrick Parish
Tricia Hoffman-Simanek, Vice Chair — St. Jude Parish
John Stallman, Member — St. John XXIII Parish
Julie Mittelstadt — St. Ludmila Parish
Rev. Nick March, Executive Secretary — St. Jude Parish
Rev. Ken Glaser, Member — St. Ludmila Parish
Rev. Dennis Miller, Member — St. Patrick Parish
Rev. Richmond Dzekoe, Member — St. John XXIII Parish
Zachary Zeckser, Middle School Principal
Heather Williams, PreK-4 Principal
We thank our board members for their servant leadership and ongoing dedication to Catholic education and LaSalle Catholic!
Minutes are approved by the board at each month's subsequent meeting. The board meets each month other than July and December. As of July 1 2024, the Xavier Catholic Schools' Board governs LaSalle Catholic schools, and LaSalle Catholic no longer has it's own school board.