In August, you read about the nomination that Governor Reynolds had given to LaSalle Catholic, which allowed us to submit a grant application for the Yass Foundation Award for Education Freedom. We were one of ten schools in Iowa and one of thirty schools from across the country that submitted a grant for this ward. At a live stream video on Thursday, September 14, we learned that LaSalle Catholic was selected to receive a grant. Later that afternoon in an email from the Yass Foundation, we learned that our grant amount is $250,000!
We were nominated to apply and chosen as a recipient ostensibly due to our demonstrated ability to welcome new families and to continue to successfully include more students in the future. Details about spending are forthcoming, but it is safe to say that the funds will need to be directed toward the bringing more students to our schools and toward the realization of our mission with all of the students enrolled with us.
This is really a testament to the staff, students, and families at LaSalle Catholic that have worked tirelessly to welcome all of our new students,to ensure they reach their full potential, and to continually improve the overall quality of education and formation for all of our students. Ultimately, this grant will further our mission by enabling us to fulfill it even better and for more children.
More information about the Yass Foundation is available online at