Welcome to LaSalle Catholic Elementary School! We offer child care, preschool, and Kindergarten through 4th Grades. We’re excited to help your student as they begin their educational careers!
Start your child off at a school that feels like home, with dedicated, professional teachers who care about each student as if they were their own and who will instill in them respect for themselves, others and authority.
The Catholic faith is the foundation of LaSalle Catholic. At our elementary level, students participate in prayer and daily religion classes, read Bible stories and learn the sacraments.
Technology skills are taught both in the computer lab and on mobile (iPad) technology utilizing various apps for their core class work. Just a few of these apps are Chatterkid, Storymaker, Mathblaster and Mathdots.
LaSalle's two academic centers offers students the unique opportunity to be school leaders multiple times — the first time in 4tb grade. Fourth graders serve as “reading buddies” and role models to preschoolers. First Communion preparation also allows second graders to plan and participate more fully in prayer services and liturgies.
In addition to daily prayer and religion classes, students help plan and actively participate in weekly liturgies. They also regularly provide service to numerous local community organizations through fundraisers and winter clothing drives. They also often bring joy to community members living in senior living centers by visiting and playing games with them!
Our teachers are second to none when it comes to the attention and enthusiasm they bring to their students. Utilizing various resources, such as First In Math, they creatively engage students and make learning fun!
Kids these days are growing up in a technological world and enjoy using tech gadgets to learn and play. To help them stay current with ever-changing technology we utilize iPads, desktops and smartboards. Our students learn the newest programs and play educational gaming apps to help them stay enthused and excited about learning!
Our fourth graders are the leaders of LaSalle Catholic Elementary. As such, they meet monthly to plan and participate in service benefitting our community. They also provide special presentations, such as a reenactment of the Stations of the Cross during Holy Week.